Our Pitch Discussion!

Pitch A: A housekeeper who cleans large houses for a living receives a call with specific instructions. Curious, she unlocks the closet and discovers a shrine, of herself.

Pitch B: A girl is streaming a challenge, nothing happens, she's called down, but she hears something in her closet, she approaches then screams being pulled in.

Pitch A discussion: After receiving a phone referral, a middle-aged housekeeper who specializes in cleaning mansions is assigned to take care of the other woman's home. She is then given detailed instructions on what has to be cleaned and what shouldn't be cleaned. The housekeeper is turned off by the omniscient energy as soon as she gets to the residence. The housekeeper can spy since the other woman isn't home, and when she does, she finds an attic-like room with a shrine containing disturbingly real pictures of herself.

Pitch B Discussion: A young girl is doing a demon-calling-themed YouTube challenge while live streaming. After completing the challenge, she hears her mother's voice, startling her for a second. When her mother calls, she says she needs to come downstairs because it's time for supper. She replies to her mother, "I'll be right down," with a sigh. She detects a noise in her closet and cautiously approaches it as she bids her stream farewell. She lets out a loud scream as she glances in and is drawn in. Her screams are audible while she is in the closet. Then a fading cry marks the end of the footage.

My Final Decision:
  • Someone who makes a living by cleaning big houses gets a call with instructions. She opens the closet out of curiosity and finds a shrine—of herself.
  • We decided to go with this decision because it's most likely the most exciting!! Suspense/Horror is our preferred genre. 


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