Movie Research: "Megan is Missing"

After meeting someone she had been corresponding with online, a teenager vanishes inexplicably without leaving any trace. Michael Goi's controversial found footage horror film "Megan Is Missing" The film makes use of several media tropes to produce a stressful and unsettling visual experience. 

What conventions of the Genre that you choose to base your final task on does this movie have?

A convention I really enjoyed in this movie is the found footage style presenting the plot as though it had been recovered from video records, the movie uses a found footage style. The events feel more ominous and powerful because of this style's increased realism and intensity. The look of the film is more documentary-like because of the usage of webcam footage and handheld cameras.

What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

The webcam & online interaction throughout a large chunk of the movie, the characters converse online and via webcams. Instant messaging and video chats are commonplace in today's digital communication environment, particularly among teenagers. This decision seeks to draw attention to the possible risks and anonymity involved in online communications.

What conventions of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you and you are thinking of not filming for your final task.

Overly dependent on shock value and graphic content was one prominent convention that did not function well. The purpose of the film's unsettling events and visuals, particularly in the later half, was to arouse anxiety and discomfort. All possible impact was overwhelmed by these patterns' brutal content, though, and allegations of blatant exploitation rather than a careful examination of the film's issues occurred.

In general, "Megan Is Missing" explored unique filming techniques to achieve a realistic and shocking effect. But in the end, the film's ability to deliver its intended message was hindered by excessive use of graphic material, the limitations of the footage format, and the undeveloped characters. The film's problematic nature stems from both its subject matter and how well it follows established conventions, raising moral issues about the limits of cinematic storytelling.



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