Building Plans for My Music Video!

     The song that is chosen is called "Mrs. Potato Head." In my opinion, one of the most meaningful music videos she's ever put out, focusing on the topic of eating disorders and perfect bodies. The music industry is well-known for its emphasis on appearance and aesthetics. Artists, particularly female artists, are frequently subjected to enormous pressure to conform to conventional beauty standards. This can lead to a fixation with body image and a drive to maintain an abnormally thin physique, which can contribute to anorexia's development. Melanie's costumes for essentially all of her music videos are very "baby-doll" and very little girl-coded per se. The room that she's first filmed in is covered in animals from the zoo and nursey-type aesthetics throughout. My plan consists of me wearing a baby-doll dress which I do actually own conveniently. Hair in bows and convincing doll makeup. I truly don't want to spoil too much of the details. The guest appearances that will be happening, they will be wearing the same kind of clothing and makeup. Whether they like it or not, I need them to convey emotion and actual suffering. Luckily for me, this production will be occurring during the spooky season. The schedule of filming is entirely up to me, due to the fact I will be working by myself, with some occasional guest appearances. Sunset around this time of year are drop-dead gorgeous and I sort of want to capture that fantasy whimsical aura. Though the sunset I would want it to be one of those pink sunsets, not the orange ones, so I will be checking for an appropriate date to film with my desired pink sunset. My lip sync needs to sync up with the speed of the mouth of a moving doll, which is going to take some actor-based practices and warmups to achieve. Location, I could get down with an empty room with select props. Select props like a rattle, fake diet pills, wedding bands, lipstick, and bloody socks. You probably like; "WHAT?!", that will be revealed later. 


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